Poems of Xue Tao
Minister Duan travelled to the Burden of War Temple. I was sick and couldn't send you his inscription earlier.
消瘦翻堪见令公 落花无那恨东风 侬心犹道青春在 羞看飞蓬石镜中 |
As worn down by enduring reverses, regard this duke, like falling petals, helpless, resenting the east wind. My heart still upon the Way, I am renewed and ashamed to see flying chaff upon the stone mirror. |
-- 薛涛
As this poem is in the remnants of Xue Tao's collected works, one would think that she, and not Duan, composed this poem which he inscribed on the war temple. We can also gather that someone wanted a copy of his inscription. If that someone were the district commander, then he had to get copies of these things even when he was away fighting rebels and such. I am unable to identify the "stone mirror."