Poems of Xue Tao
Picking Lotuses from a Boat
风前一叶压荷蕖 解报新秋又得鱼 兔走乌驰人语静 满溪红袂棹歌初 |
This wind presses all the lotus leaves into the water as you tell me you've caught another fish this autumn day. Rabbit run past, birds dart, and we speak quietly as on rushing waters, in red sleeves, you start singing as you row. |
-- 薛涛
If I had to guess, I'd say this was a later poem. Xue Tao is on her own, possibly as a Daoist nun, fishing with her significant other, and writing much better poetry. Daoist nuns were free to have significant others. In the monasteries, they tended to be monastic. Out in the world, they tended to be worldly. Everything in its place, as Zhuangzi must have said at least once. It certainly is a happy poem, conveying its happiness without having to underscore it with a standard-happiness cliché. It makes you feel good for how her life is going in this moment.