Poems of Xue Tao
Thanking Lord Wu Sui
支公别墅接花扃 买得前山总未经 入户剡溪云水满 高斋咫尺蹑青冥 |
At the Duke's new villa, I am met by a flowery gate. Bought below the mountains, all is still not complete. Entering, an ornamental stream, water full of clouds And in the high study, one tiptoes through the sky. |
-- 薛涛
I get the impression that Xue Tao was not impressed by Duke Wu Sui's new MacMansion. Fancy outer gate, half the place under construction, smelling of money rather than tradition, fakey mini-golf watercourse, fancy office. Ooooh. Almost every line is a backhanded compliment. I doubt Xue Tao was invited back. Which no doubt pleased her greatly.