Poems of Xue Tao
Hearing a Monk Play Reed Flute
晓蝉呜咽暮莺愁 言语殷勤十指头 罢阅梵书聊一弄 散随金磬泥清秋 |
Sobs of morning cicadas, oriole's sadness at dusk, Spellbound by the language of his ten fingers. Somehow all the meaning of scripture wanders through These golden chimes, purifying the earthiness of autumn. |
-- 薛涛
Everything here is permeated by Buddhism. But this does not imply that Xue Tao is in any way Buddhist. Tang China was permeated by both Daoism and Buddhism. The two see-sawed back and forth as state religion, mostly due to the religious inclination of an emperor. The result was that cultured people were imbued with the symbolism of both religions.