Poems of Xue Tao
猎蕙微风远 飘弦唳一声 林梢鸣淅沥 松径夜凄清 |
Hunting orchids in a constant light wind. Lute notes float, joining the calls of wild birds. Skimming woods, birds cry within the sighing of leaves. Walking through the pines, a night cold and cheerless. |
-- 薛涛
This could well be an example of a poem produced during an entertainment. Poets rarely write poems with single character titles. But an entertainer might say, "Our next poem will be Breezes," and everyone would compose a poem. They would chant them and someone in Xue Tao's position might write them down for them to take home as remembrances. With hundreds of her poems surviving into the 14th century, Xue Tao abviously saved her own poems. She probably had no illusions about their quality. But they have their good qualities or they all would have died away. This poem is not an impressive poem. But it shows more craft and art than the first few we have seen. When she creates a poem as other than an entertainment of men, she puts her heart into it and she has a beautiful heart. This poem says so.